Workforce Development Summit
Showcasing New Investments in Direct Services Workforce Development
Beginning in 2017 with the Area Wide Workforce Summit brokered by the Paul R. Willging Endowment and the Erickson School of Aging Studies, leaders from the health care industry, education institutions and public agencies, came together to ad-dress one of the most critical issues confronting individuals, families, business organizations and the health care industry; the shortfall in the availability of direct service workers. At the Collaborative’s 2018 Annual Meeting, an action plan was developed by stake-holders, both individuals and organizations, across the region that laid out an agreed upon set of “end of year 2019” goals geared to having a positive impact on the recruitment, retention and career path development of direct services workers. This year’s event, held on September 26, 2019, “Making a Difference: Showcasing New Investments in Workforce Training and Development” reported on the action steps that have been taken toward accomplishing those goals. The Collaborative’s work has been possible because of the high level of interest and commitment from the growing number of organizations throughout Maryland and D.C. With the continuing support provided by the Rodham Institute, the evolving partnership with the Erickson School of Aging Studies at UMBC, in addition to the many financial and “in-kind” contributions, the Collaborative is well along in establishing a solid public-private partnership needed to close the direct services workforce gap.
Download the 2019 Program Brochure.
Planting the Seeds For Direct Care and Para-Professional Workforce Development:
An Area Wide Summit on Workforce Development and
Training in the Care of Older Adults and Persons with Disabilities
On September 28, 2017, the Erickson School and the Willging Endowment presented a Summit on workforce development in the long-term care industry. Representatives from Maryland’s community colleges, educators at the high school level, long-term care facility administrators and key staff, and industry leaders gathered to discuss and identify the action steps to be taken to assure that a well-trained staff will be available to the rapidly changing needs of the provider community.
Click below for the Report on the Summit Proceedings, the Summit Evaluation and the Post Summit Action Plan Survey Report.
Download the Directory of Attendees.
Download the Directory of Organizations.

Photos from the September 28 event:

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